Bankruptcy is no longer taboo, whereas consumers used to suffer in silence now millions of people and businesses use it to get out of insurmountable debt. If you decide to give bankruptcy a chance you'll get to know it's a useful legal tool.
If you're one of the million Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, you already know how quickly you can fall into debt and how impossible getting out of debt can seem. By the time you scrape together the funds for a late payment, it’s time to pay the next one. Then the creditor adds a late fee to the regular high interest payment. The result? Even making the minimum payment on time every single month leaves you struggling in debt for 20 or 30 more years.
If you want to get off this horrifying financial roller coaster once and for all, filing for bankruptcy can get you out of debt. Call or text DebtStoppers today at 469-646-0750 for your free financial review with an accomplished Texas lawyer.
The first step when filing Texas is choosing the right type of consumer bankruptcy for your situation. There are two options: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
With Chapter 7, you can get a financial fresh start by legally eliminating your debts. While a case trustee is legally permitted to sell some of your belongings to pay back creditors, in our experience, DebtStoppers clients usually keep everything they own.
If you choose Chapter 13, you can reduce your debts and consolidate them into a 3-to-5-year plan that repays around 10% of your debts — rather than completely wiping them out. You make one reasonable payment each month until your program is complete and you keep all of your possessions.
After deciding which type you want to file, you can initiate the process by filing a petition in the nearest Texas district court.
Because every case is different, our attorney fees vary, but our rates are among the most competitive in Texas. Affordable payment plans are always available, allowing you to pay your fees over time.
On top of legal fees, the court will charge you a $310 filing fee for Chapter 13 and a $335 filing fee for Chapter 7. DebtStoppers is one of the few law firms in the country that will advance the Chapter 7 filing fee. We'll wipe out your debts before you pay us a single cent.
While you are not legally required to have a lawyer, the filing process can involve complex legal issues. It's also emotionally exhausting — especially when you are all by yourself. An experienced and supportive lawyer can make a substantial difference in your experience (and your results!). Call or text DebtStoppers today at 469-646-0750 to schedule a free debt analysis with one of our skilled Texas attorneys.
Many people are shocked when they find out you can file more than once. Although there are some limitations, such as waiting periods, you can use bankruptcy multiple times. If you've filed before and want to do it again, a Texas lawyer can let you know if you fulfill the requirements.
Going through bankruptcy can be difficult. Luckily, you don't have to go through it alone. Call or text DebtStoppers today at 469-646-0750 to request a no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced Texas attorneys.
Filing for bankruptcy can be the best decision you ever make! Call or text us at 469-646-0750 for more information.