When you're dealing with financial difficulties, the struggle can consume your entire life. The bills just keep piling up, and creditors just won't stop calling. Once you fall behind on payments, you get charged late fees and interest, making it even harder to get caught up.
If your finances have spun out of control, Georgia bankruptcy laws can help you stop the struggle, get out of debt, and get back on solid ground. As thousands of DebtStoppers clients have experienced, bankruptcy laws enable you to stand on your own two feet again. Call or text us today to set up a no-cost one-on-one financial evaluation with one of our skilled Georgia bankruptcy lawyers. Hard-working people in Georgia are overloaded with debt, including mortgages, auto loans, credit card balances, medical expenses, personal loans, tax obligations, etc. The list goes on and on. A financial setback can leave you feeling like you've fallen into quicksand: the more you struggle to get out of debt, the faster you seem to sink.
Debt can make you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders...
Learn moreEven when you do everything right, financial hardship can come out of nowhere and leave...
Learn moreIf you're overwhelmed by debts like credit card bills, medical expenses, or back taxes...
Learn moreAre you struggling to keep up with the cost of your bills, missing mortgage payments...
Learn moreWhen you're dealing with financial difficulties, the struggle can consume your entire life. The bills just keep piling up, and creditors just won't stop calling. Once you fall behind on payments, you get charged late fees and interest, making it even harder to get caught up.
Hard-working people in Georgia are overloaded with debt, including:
The list goes on and on. A financial setback can leave you feeling like you've fallen into quicksand: the more you struggle to get out of debt, the faster you seem to sink.
If your finances have spun out of control, Georgia bankruptcy laws can help you stop the struggle, get out of debt, and get back on solid ground. As thousands of DebtStoppers clients have experienced, bankruptcy laws enable you to stand on your own two feet again. Call or text us today to set up a no-cost one-on-one financial evaluation with one of our skilled Georgia bankruptcy lawyers.
Filing for Chapter 7 is a quick and straightforward way to wipe out most of your consumer debts. While the laws permit your assets to be liquidated to repay creditors, most DebtStoppers clients get to keep all of their possessions in this process.
Georgia bankruptcy laws also permit you to preserve the following assets in any Chapter 7:
This process allows you to eliminate your debts within weeks and get a fresh start with your finances.
Under Chapter 13 laws, you can reduce and reorganize your debt into a single, manageable monthly payment. Instead of paying each of your creditors what they want every month, you'll make one payment (that you can actually afford) to a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee. This plan will enable you to pay back a portion of your debt over three to five years while keeping your home, car, and personal possessions.
Georgia laws allow your attorneys to file a petition and any required records with the nearest bankruptcy court to initiate proceedings. There are 9 different courts throughout the state, which are located in 3 distinct districts.
The court locations include:
Once you file your petition, the court will grant an automatic stay that prohibits your creditors from trying to collect from you or even contacting you. This means the phone will STOP RINGING, and you will stop sinking deeper into debt every single day.
A customized DebtStoppers bankruptcy plan that is tailored to your particular needs can help you survive economic hardship. If you keep slipping further and further into debt, we can help you get out. The first step on the path to financial independence is to call or text DebtStoppers today at 678-673-2142 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our experienced Georgia attorneys.
DebtStoppers is one of the few law firms in the country that will advance the cost of your $335 Chapter 7 filing fee so you can file for relief today! If you're ready to be debt-free, call or text DebtStoppers Georgia now!