Many people fear that bankruptcy will make it impossible for them to ever own a home again. This simply isn’t true. First of all, many people who are eligible for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can keep the home that they are in now. This is what Chapter 13 debt reorganization is designed to do. You…
Read MoreStudent loan debt has swelled to an unmanageable size in the United States and it continues to increase. In 2015, total student loan debt in the US was estimated at nearly $1.2 trillion. Many people in Atlanta and throughout Georgia are having serious difficulty managing their educational loan payments each month. Unfortunately, it is almost…
Read MoreWhile bankruptcy filings have dropped throughout the country in 2015 so far, they remain high in Georgia. In fact, according to The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, Georgia had the fourth most filings per capita in the first six months of 2015. Across the United States, total bankruptcies in June were down about 6%…
Read MoreChapter 7 bankruptcy and foreclosure often go hand in hand. Mortgage debt is one of the most common causes of bankruptcy, so if you know you face foreclosure and also know you are planning on filing for bankruptcy protection, you must decide whether you will file for bankruptcy before or after the foreclosure. In most…
Read MoreThe rules and regulations contained in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) place strict limits on the individuals that debt collectors are allowed to contact about any debt you owe. In most situations, collectors and collection agencies are only allowed to communicate with you or your attorney. Collectors are even prohibited from leaving messages…
Read MoreA common question for people in debt is when they should file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Often, filing for bankruptcy cannot wait for a specific time of year, as it often comes after a major, surprising life event such as unexpected medical bills. There are, however, a few ways you can time your bankruptcy to…
Read MoreFor the most part, bankruptcy provides you with a fresh financial start after you have become overwhelmed with debt. However, it will not necessarily wipe out all of your debts, so even after you have filed for bankruptcy protection, you may still have some issues with paying your creditors. Nondischargeable debts under Chapter 7 bankruptcy…
Read MoreMost people understand the importance of maintaining good credit. But what exactly is a credit score and how can you help ensure yours falls into the best range possible? Your credit score is a three-digit number that offers a rating based on all of the information contained in your credit report. This document includes an…
Read MoreAs soon as you have made the decision to file for bankruptcy, it’s important to get in touch with an attorney who can help you through the process. But which qualities should you look for in your potential bankruptcy lawyer? The following are a few tips to consider: Professionalism. Your potential attorney should be completely…
Read MoreWhenever you file for bankruptcy protection, you are required to attend a meeting with your creditors to answer certain questions about the information you included in your bankruptcy paperwork. The bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case leads this meeting. Most of these questions are simple, but it’s important to be prepared for them. Before the…
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